
EPFO – Digital facility for Principal Employers for monitoring of EPF compliances of their contractors | Lets Talk Compliance

EPFO Digital Facility for Principal Employers

A digital facility concerned with effective compliance

  • EPFO has introduced a facility for an interlinking portion of contractor’s compliance with Principal Employers of their respective contract workmen for effective compliance monitoring.
  • Principal Employers (PE) having their own code with EPFO and engaging contractor(s) can add the details of the contractor(s) and contract workmen (CWM) at EPFO’s Portal.
  • On adding contractor’s details, PE through their login, can view the workmen-wise remittance made by contractors through ECR.
  • PE can now ensure that their contractors enroll all contract workmen and remit EPF contributions through ECR.

Tracking Contractors’ EPF Compliance made easy!!

EPFO, observing that principal employers are not utilizing this facility effectively, there was an internal circular No. C-I/011(16)2020-21/ABRY/1179 Dt. 01/02/2021 intent being to ensure ease of compliance and enrollment of all contract workers as members of Schemes and timely remittance of their contributions which though subtly appears to be an advisory note. EPFO is determined on enforcing this move by issuing directive notice to employers citing sec – 8A of the EPF Act 1952 and para 30 (3) of EPF scheme which defines as  PE  is ultimately responsible for ensuring the compliance in respect of CWM deployed in their premises.





Disclaimer: “The article represents the opinions of the author and the author is solely responsible for the facts, cases and legal or otherwise reproduced in the article”

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