
How important is to comply with Environment Health and Safety regulations

How important is to comply with Environment Health and Safety regulations

Economic progress, growth of Industry are parallel for nation’s development. Enhancement of advanced technologies and implementation in the industrial expansion obligates the government to be accountable to enact regulations on Environment Health and safety to fix industrial pollution standards, with objective to protect air, water and soil and to preserve the surrounding natural resources and habitat.

Running a simple retail shop business requires compliance under Environment, Health, and Safety regulations?


What is Environmental Clearance (EC)?

The expert appraisal committee constituted by the government will study the impact of any projects and its activities on the surrounding environment and habitat and accordingly recommend the appropriate authorities and Ministry of Environment of Forest and climate change to provide Environmental clearance (EC) for the projects as per schedule in EIA 2006

Why Industries are classified into different colour categories?

The central pollution control Board has a fixed Pollution Index score level based on the location, emission of air pollutants, effluents (water pollutants), hazardous wastes generated, and consumption of resources.  It is categorised as green, orange, and yellow on the PI (pollution Index) score. Industries classified under any of these categories mandates to obtain Air and Water consent.

Any exemptions from obtaining Air and Water consent?

Exemption from obtaining Air and Water consent is available for industries which fall under the white category, provided it fulfils the conditions laid by the Central Pollution Control Board e-g Investment on plant machinery is not more than 1cr, no discharge of trade effluent, any air pollution including noise into the atmosphere, no toxic hazardous wastes discharged or no handling of toxic hazardous chemicals

Is it mandatory to obtain consent even for white category industries?

Industries that fall under white category and have installed DG set with a capacity above 10 KVA and less than 1MVA have  to obtain consent under the green category.

What are CTE and CTO?

CTE- Consent to Establish to be obtained before initiating any project

CTO – Consent to Operate has to be obtained before commencement of the operation of any activity which discharges emission and effluents

When no hazardous operation, no discharge of trade effluent no emission of air pollution, no noise pollution, no discharge of toxic hazardous wastes which harm the surrounding environment, health and safety of the people is it still required to comply with regulations?

The activity inside the licensed  premises has to be ensured that it complies with the pollution norms and standards as fixed by the Central Pollution Control Board.

If the pollution emission and discharge are within the prescribed level but failed to intimate the authority does it invite penalties?

Yes, penalised legally with imprisonment and fine

How many such statutory compliance documents required to be obtained under Environment, Health, and Safety regulations for any establishment, business, and manufacturing activity?

The statutory compliance of any regulations under the Environment, Health and Safety provision depends on the location, nature of the project, manufacturing, production and other activities carried out which is harmful to the surrounding environment and habitat. Timely expert advice will support to comply proactively.

Aparajithais a preferred compliance partner to 1500 plus privileged customers, Pan India. We are committed to assisting our clients to be compliant in their Regulatory compliance issues, with our high quality of service, to support them to focus on their organization growth. We keep them updated with continuous changes and amendments in Compliance Regulations and Acts.

To keep yourself updated with knowledge and news related to statutory compliances, kindly subscribe to our news bulletin.



Disclaimer:  The article represents the opinions of the author and the author is solely responsible for the facts, cases, and legal or otherwise reproduced in the article.

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